Dab Tech Solutions

Technical Assurance

Reinforce your cybersecurity defenses through vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, red teaming simulations, and cryptographic measures.

Technical Assurance

Reinforce your cybersecurity defenses through vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, red teaming simulations, and cryptographic measures.

98% of web applications are vulnerable to attacks that can result in malware, redirection to malicious websites and more

55% of companies run internal cyber security assessments

Technical Assurance ensures that you are fortified against cyber threats by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they become a problem

$ T
In damages by cyberattacks in 2022
companies reported using multi-factor authentication
organizations identified hybrid IT situations as their biggest cyber security challenge

Our Experts

In today’s dynamic IT landscape, misconfigurations pose severe security risks.

Technical Assurance service is a proactive solution. Through rigorous assessments, red team simulations, and control reviews, we identify and rectify vulnerabilities. Beyond risk mitigation, our experts help you by staying ahead of threats, empowering you to navigate the digital realm securely.

As your trusted partner, we go beyond conventional cybersecurity, ensuring lasting resilience and peace of mind in an ever-evolving digital world.

Our Experts

In today’s dynamic IT landscape, misconfigurations pose severe security risks. Technical Assurance service is a proactive solution. Through rigorous assessments, red team simulations, and control reviews, we identify and rectify vulnerabilities. Beyond risk mitigation, our experts help you by staying ahead of threats, empowering you to navigate the digital realm securely. As your trusted partner, we go beyond conventional cybersecurity, ensuring lasting resilience and peace of mind in an ever-evolving digital world.


Vulnerability Assessment

Scan your infrastructure looking for bad practices. Assess the security of your technology stack and understand how to fix it before it’s too late


Review the design of your most critical functions from a security standpoint. Understand the threats to better architect protections around them

Red Teaming Simulations

Attack your infrastructure with tools used by real threat actors in a controller manner. When security is your uttermost priority, better be prepared

Are you ready to work with us?