Las pequeñas empresas se enfrentan a un 43% de posibilidades de sufrir ciberataques y a un riesgo brutal del 60% de quebrar en los seis meses siguientes a una brecha.

Las técnicas ofensivas siguen siendo cada día más asequibles y fáciles de utilizar

Hoy es más importante que nunca invertir en una estrategia sólida de detección y respuesta

Don´t know where to start?

Risks can be present and hidden everywhere. With this service you will be able to understand at what risks you are exposed and how to remediate them. If you want to improve your risks awareness, don’t worry, we got it you covered.

Perform a full company assessment of risks across all domains: from technology to physical locations, passing through operations and third parties, this service is the first step to get the full pictures of the risks your company is facing right now.

Risk Audit

Perform a full company assessment of risks across all domains: from technology to physical locations, passing through operations and third parties, this service is the first step to get the full pictures of the risks your company is facing right now.

Looking for a more technical analysis?

Aseguramiento Técnico

Perform an assessment of your digital defences: from cloud to on-premise, from applications to networks, this service aims at finding your weaknesses before the bad guys do it first.

We structured our services to match the Security Maturity Framework to guide your company towards sustainable and continuous resiliency.

Managed 4.0

Optimized 5.0

You have reached a sustainable resilient organization

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